Monday, December 10, 2012

little things

Sitting in front of my new Heat Dish (early Christmas present from Grandma and Grandpa Barlow--they saw me huddling in front of theirs so much I guess they decided I needed my own) and reflecting on the day. There were a couple of little things that brought me joy today.

#1 Brian and I went for a walk after a 3-hour study session for finals. We bundled (well, he put on a coat; I put on two jackets, mittens, a hat and scarf) and headed out into the crisp winter evening. It snowed most of the day but cleared up for a pinkish sunset this evening. Love when that happens. Brian realized he didn't wear the right shoes for the non-shoveled sidewalks, so we began doing a stomp-walk in order to keep our feet dry. I can't remember who started it, but it just seemed so natural to start singing, "The ants came marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah!" etc. We took turns with the verses, each of us deciding on our turn the fate of "the little one" at the end of each verse. Me: "The ants came marching two by two, the little one stopped to take a poo!" Brian: "The ants came marching three by three, the little one stopped and said, 'Look at me!'" etc., etc., etc. By the time we got to number 7, Brian was ready to quit. But I marched on, "The ants came marching eight by eight, I can't believe this song you hate!" We laughed, and decided perhaps it was time to start walking normally again.

#2 This year for Christmas my parents asked that, instead of buy gifts for them, we do an act of service for someone else. So tonight Brian and I went to visit our dear friend Rachel, a lovely woman aged 91. We brought her a poinsettia and just chatted, like we always do. Rachel is the type of person who is so good at making you feel loved. No matter how long it's been since our last visit, she is always so happy to see us again. When we visit, it's mostly Rachel who does the talking. But Brian and I don't mind because she has so many interesting stories to tell, and wonderful things to say. She often repeats her best stories. There are some, I'm assuming they're her favorites, that we hear every single time we go. And yet, every time we go, she seems to say something she's never said before. And it is always very striking to me. Often it is her testimony. Tonight it was a very simple part of that. She told us of a recent experience she had in which she was struggling, but everything worked out, so she knew that God loved her and was aware of her. After telling her story, she looked me right in the eye and said, "I know God loves you." Simple, but piercing, especially coming from someone who really means it. You can't help but believe something when it's Rachel telling you. And I'm thankful for her because I needed that today.

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